DFRC Blue-Gold Participants
There are several ways that students can participate in the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football experience. High school students are nominated by their school officials to participate as Ambassadors, Band Members, Cheerleaders, and Football Players. These student participants are integral to the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Program and Game each year.
Several high schools have formed Blue-Gold Clubs, inviting their full student community to share some of the same experiences as those officially chosen to participate in the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Game, sharing knowledge and understanding about people with intellectual disABILITIES. For more information about how to create a high school club, contact the DFRC office at (302) 454-2730 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Hand in Hand Buddies
The Hand-in-Hand Program is the heart of the DFRC Blue-Gold experience. Each year, our Hand-in-Hand Buddies-- children and young adults between the ages of 4 and 18 with an intellectual disABILITY— are matched with vetted high school students participating in the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Program though the DFRC Hand-in-Hand Program. This is a free program offered by DFRC— Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens with intellectual disABILITIES— as part of the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Game.
Many lifelong friendships have been created through the DFRC Blue-Gold Hand-in-Hand Program!
The DFRC Blue-Gold Committee sponsors free, planned activities such as picnics, dances, and activity days beginning in March and continuing through Game Day on Friday, June 21, 2024.
Hand-in-Hand Buddies and DFRC Blue-Gold high school participants are also encouraged to spend time together doing individual activities– going to see a movie, playing a game, taking a walk in the park – just doing things friends naturally do together! The goal of these activities is to build bonds between our Buddies and their high school student matches, teaching valuable lessons of diversity, awareness, and acceptance for all involved.
If you would like to get your child involved in the Hand-in-Hand Program as a Buddy, please contact the DFRC office at 302-454-2730 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ambassadors will be directly involved in monthly events from January through June as part of the larger DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Program. Senior Ambassadors are also encouraged to participate in the Hand-in-Hand Program where they will be matched with a child or young adult with an intellectual disABILITY.
If you are a high school student in your senior or junior year, and would like to be a Blue-Gold Ambassador, contact your school’s principal or Blue-Gold advisor, or call the DFRC office at (302) 454-2730.

Band Members
Senior band members are also encouraged to participate in the Hand-in-Hand Program where they will be matched with a child or young adult with an intellectual disABILITY.
Cheerleaders will be directly involved in monthly events from January through June as part of the larger DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Program. Cheerleaders will also have regular Blue or Gold squad practices, typically starting in March. Cheerleaders are encouraged to participate in the Hand-in-Hand Program where they will be matched with a child or young adult with an intellectual disABILITY.
If you would like to represent your school as a DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Game Cheerleader, please check with your school's football cheerleading coach or principal for information and pertinent dates for being accepted into the program. You may also contact the DFRC office directly at (302) 454-2730.
Football Players
Thirty-six players are selected for each team. The Blue Team consists of players from most high schools in New Castle County. The Gold Team is comprised of players from all high schools in Kent and Sussex counties, as well as the Christina and Appoquinimink District high schools. Each high school with a Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association sanctioned football team that has qualified seniors will have at least one representative on a Blue-Gold squad each year, however no school may have more than four representatives in a single year.